While surfing the Wayfair Black Friday sale, I saw this whacktastic rug and was like, "I wonder who would buy this..." and even more importantly, I wondered, "Can I make this rug look desirable?" The result is a living room I call That Rug Tho. Because seriously... that rug, though. Just... wow. Hopefully we all see this as a valuable lesson that you can work with whatever fugliness nature gives you and create something passable - or even very pleasing, indeed.

What do I hate so much about this rug? I didn't expect to have to answer that. In short, it reminds me of a gaudy Coogi sweater. And I don't think the world was or ever will be ready for Coogi sweaters, just like the world was never, nor ever will be, ready for this rug. But anywayyyyy...
Here's how I styled a room around this monstrosity... and I think it looks lovely. Links to furnishings are below!
This board on Wayfair links to all furnishings.